Security officials and the round-table at the Luxor | Middle East ...

Decipher a religious Middle East problem: Nihon Keizai Shimbun

Security officials and the round-table at the Luxor | Middle East ... Middle East problem Deciphering in religion From the gait of the post-war history () Tokyo Institute of Technology Lecture Notes This time, consider the background of the often big problem in the international political situation [Middle East issue from the aspect of religion and history. Middle East problem is also referred to as the alias [the Palestinian problem]. Year (Showa year), the United Nations General Assembly Arab nation and the Jewish state Palestine, and it will begin to have a resolution to divide Jerusalem in international management district. Many of the Arab people who lived in Palestine by the Israeli founding became refugees. Alternatively, the conflict with the Arab countries around the Tour of it, I only even times of war a big thing happened. In order to the Middle East problem is not resolved, it's happening a variety of problems now. Dating back to 000 years ago Before from now on Palestine as a thousand years, it had been present kingdom of the Jews. It destroyed the kingdom by the Roman Empire soon.

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