Security officials and the round-table at the Luxor | Middle East ...

Angle: situation sudden change in the US military withdrawal, the ...

Security officials and the round-table at the Luxor | Middle East ... Angle: the situation in the US military withdrawal sudden change, the history of the Kurds in the Middle East Syrian Kurdish forces agreed to cooperate with the Assad regime forces of Syria to counter the invasion of Turkish troops, the dark clouds on the future of northern Syria was Tarekome. The US military recently, start the withdrawal from northern Syria. Sudden policy change of Trump rice regime, has been criticized as betrayal against the Kurdish forces. The Turkish government, seeking to set up to resettle hundreds of thousands Syrian refugees living in the country the safety zone] to the Syrian side. Turkey and there is a purpose of the buffer zone for the Kurdish militia regarded as a threat on the security [People's Defense Forces] (YPG). Turkey, Syria, Iraq, to ​​live a large number of Kurds as a minority in Iran of countries, have suffered repression for decades. Kurdish people these countries, varying degrees seeking autonomy. It summarizes the situation of the Kurds in each country.

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