Security officials and the round-table at the Luxor | Middle East ...

Iran, dispatched MSDF in the Middle East [understanding] ...

Security officials and the round-table at the Luxor | Middle East ... Iran, dispatched MSDF in the Middle East [understanding] the President, to transfer to the Prime Minister Abe For the Middle East dispatch of Maritime Self-Defense Force, which the Japanese government is considering, Rouhani Iranian President to visit Japan for the Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, it is day as the Iranian government is a policy that shows the [understanding] without opposite, day Iran relationship muscle It was found in the story. To transmit at the summit of 0 days. The United States to be hostile with Iran is seen to have consideration that decided not to participate in the coalition of the willing to be led. Japan policy government is that in terms of stepping on the procedure for obtaining an understanding of the Rouhani nurses for the dispatch, the Cabinet decision on the day. In the Middle East regional power, if Iran to keep Japan and the traditional friendly relations or to evaluation, it had become one of the focal point of the dispatch decision.

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