Security officials and the round-table at the Luxor | Middle East ...

Security officials and the round-table at the Luxor | Middle East ...

Security officials and the round-table at the Luxor | Middle East ... East Memoirs Met with security officials in Luxor Flying from Cairo arrived in Luxor in an hour. Temperature is 0 degrees or more. Anyway it is hot of the word. Hot air is blown, I feel a burning To edged the skin in the sun. Once referred to as Thebes, in a town that has been developed as the Middle Kingdom capital from BC 000 BC, also in Japanese tourists are popular. However in the year, because it was out sacrifice to Japanese tourists by indiscriminate terrorism, [Egypt is dangerous] image is created that, been reduced also the number of tourists. Today, responsible for the meeting of Luxor security relationship (photo). [Currently, no problem was addicted security, also in Japan tourists more can I want you to] had been stressed. In fact, such as we are every time the luggage inspection at the entrance also at the hotel to stay, is being promoted to take measures of terrorism prevention, (somewhat there is also excess and seem points but ...) basically safe thing It is certainly. By all means, please do put in Egypt tourism.

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